Liner Wall Movement and Vacuum Measured by Data Acquisition
S. B. Spencer* and L. R. Jones†
*Department of Dairy and Animal Science, Retired
Penn State University, University Park 16802
†FARME Institute
Homer 13077
Milk quality issues: what does it take to get somatic cell count down to 100,000 and keep it ther?
Author: Robert J. Harmon
ALLTECH 2002 CD: Milk quality issues: what does it take to get somatic cell count down to 100,000 and keep it there?
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
The effect of altering teat end vacuum levels on milking characteristics
E.J. O’Callaghan1, P.M. Murphy , and D.E. Gleeson1
1Teagasc, Dairy Production Research Centre
2Teagasc, Dairy Products Research Centre
Moorepark, Fermoy, Co Cork.
End of Project Report ARMIS 5063